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Traditional cutting equipment and expensive laser cutting machine compared to who is more worth starting
time:2024-09-02  Publisher:Wuhan SC Laser  click:45

High-tech machinery is more competitive in the market

With the development of new technologies and novel machinery and equipment, most factory production and machinery manufacturing are introducing high-tech equipment, which can improve the efficiency of our production, but also to ensure quality, the most important thing is that they can also carry out new skills, high-tech production work, if it has always been traditional machinery, it is not high efficiency. Even production is crude and cannot be upgraded to fine production. Compared with peers will fall behind, they are reluctant to buy new equipment at high prices, but their competitors, their peers may be willing to pay the cost, compared with them, they have fallen behind, they do not have the market competitiveness. In cutting this piece, the laser cutting machine is a high new cutting equipment, so the factory in the end to introduce such cutting equipment?

We all understand that the more highly skilled and efficient, but also a new type of equipment, often the cost is relatively high, but the efficiency and its value are also proportional. Laser cutting machine is one of the best in cutting equipment, and cutting skills are also top, but its cost is also relatively expensive compared to other cutting equipment. Some mechanical cutting, especially some relatively hard, bulky and relatively large cutting objects, often need to use this high-efficiency laser cutting machine. For a mechanical cutting factory, the introduction of such a device, it is naturally high cost, and some traditional cutting equipment is a lot more expensive, but there is also a reason it is expensive, after all, it can ensure quality and improve efficiency.

Cost comparison between laser cutting machine and traditional machine


If you want to seriously compare the cost of laser cutting machine, it is often more obvious that if you use traditional cutting equipment, the efficiency is relatively low, and the quality cannot be guaranteed, you also need to recruit more manpower to operate. Although the short-term cost is relatively low, but in the long run, the cost is still relatively high, the introduction of laser cutting machine, efficiency is relatively high, quality is guaranteed, and without too much labor, or even one or two people can operate. In contrast, the traditional cutting machine and laser cutting machine, if this goes on for a long time, the cost of laser cutting machine will be lower, and the resulting benefits will be higher.

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