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How to Choose Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Nozzle?
time:2024-08-05  Publisher:Wuhan SC Laser  click:45

The choice and use of the nozzle of the fiber laser cutting machine is very important, which is directly related to the cutting effect, so how should we choose?

First of all, when cutting the thin plate below 3mm, it is recommended to choose the nozzle with a diameter of Φ1mm, the cutting is relatively thin, and the cutting will be relatively thick when selecting the nozzle with a diameter of Φ1.5mm, and the corner cutting place is easy to be stained.

Secondly, when cutting the plate 3-10mm, select the nozzle with a diameter of Φ1mm because of high laser power, unstable cutting, small gas diffusion area, long heat dissipation time, resulting in a longer cutting time, but it can still be used; The choice of Φ1.5mm aperture nozzle gas diffusion area is large, the gas flow rate is slow, so the cutting is more stable, can have a better cutting effect.

Finally, when cutting more than 10mm thick plate, generally choose a nozzle with a diameter of 2mm and above the aperture, the larger the nozzle aperture, the smaller the protective effect on the focusing mirror, a reasonable choice of laser cutting machine nozzle aperture size, can effectively laser cutting plate, improve production efficiency.

In general, the correct choice of laser cutting machine nozzle aperture size is very important, the operating engineer should change the nozzle aperture size in real time according to the thickness of the cutting material, before use must carefully choose a good nozzle.

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