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Can Laser Cutting Cut Galvanized Steel?
time:2024-08-12  Publisher:Wuhan SC Laser  click:35

Principle of laser cutting

Laser cutting is the use of a focused high-power density laser beam to irradiate the workpiece, so that the irradiated material quickly melt, vaporize, ablate or reach the ignition point, and at the same time with the beam coaxial high-speed airflow to blow off the molten material, so as to achieve the workpiece cut.


Galvanized sheet is a commonly used material in the manufacturing industry, galvanized steel coated with metal zinc to prevent the corrosion of the surface of the steel plate, extend its service life, mainly used in household appliances shell, civilian chimney, kitchenware, etc., then this material is suitable for the use of laser cutting machine cutting it?



Can laser cutting cut galvanized steel?

In general, for galvanized steel plate, laser cutting machine can be easily cut, most organic materials and inorganic materials can be used, and various metal materials commonly used in industrial manufacturing systems can be cut almost no matter what hardness it has.


In the process of processing galvanized sheet, need to add auxiliary gas, auxiliary gas purity and pressure linear affect the cutting plate section quality, cutting oxygen purity should be more than 99.6%, when cutting oxygen purity is higher, cutting galvanized sheet section roughness and quality is also higher, of course, cutting cost is also increased, cutting nitrogen purity should be higher than 99.5%. Increased nitrogen purity ensures that the cut does not change color during the cutting of the galvanized sheet.

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