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Key points and applications of laser welding of electronic components
time:2024-07-29  Publisher:Wuhan SC Laser  click:53

Soldering components with a soldering iron is a basic assembly process, which plays a key role in ensuring the quality of electronic products. Here are some key points of component welding.

1. Soldering is best done with rosin, rosin oil or acid-free flux. You can not use acidic flux, otherwise it will corrode the welding place.

2 .Before welding, the need to weld the place first with a knife to scrape clean, so that it shows a metallic luster, coated with solder, and then coated with a layer of solder.

3.welding soldering iron should have enough heat, in order to ensure the quality of welding, to prevent soldering and de-soldering over time.

4. Soldering iron in the soldering place should not stay too long.

5.Soldering iron away from the weld, the parts to be welded can not move immediately, or because the solder has not yet solidified and make the parts easy to desoldering.

6. Docking components wiring is best first twisted and then on the tin.

7. in welding transistors and other high-temperature devices, it is best to use a small mouth pliers or tweezers to hold the transistor's lead foot, welding, but also to master time.

8.Semiconductor components of the welding of the best use of thin low-temperature wire, welding time should be short.


Due to the continuous development of electronic components to miniaturization, the requirements of small weld joints, high welding strength, small heat-affected zone around the processing point. Conventional welding technology is difficult to meet these requirements because of the poor appearance of the weld seam, low efficiency of the welding operation, poor bonding of the weld seam annulus to the weld part annulus, and the tendency to cause “desoldering” and so on.


The laser can produce a true fusion, so that the contact of the various aspects of the material melting and mixing. Laser soldering machine is the use of laser action on the electronic components and circuit boards connected to the pad surface, laser energy heated tin instantaneous melting and the formation of rounded and full of solder joints of a laser welding process.

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